各位朋友~這裡買「 [美國直購 ShopUSA] LaCie 台式機硬盤 Porsche Design P'9233 USB 3.0 4TB Desktop Drive (9000385) $13057 」最便宜!
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[美國直購 ShopUSA] LaCie 台式機硬盤 Porsche Design P'9233 USB 3.0 4TB Desktop Drive (9000385) $13057
20131119bs_LaCie d2 9000303
Product Details
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 4.7 x 1.5 inches ; 2.3 pounds
Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
Item model number: 9000385
Product Description比價
From the Manufacturer
LaCie Porsche Design Desktop Drive P'9233
LaCie Porsche Design Desktop Drive P'9233
LaCie Porsche Design Desktop Drive P'9233
Accelerate Your Backup with USB 3.0
With the P'9233's USB 3.0 interface, you'll be able to get the job done faster than ever專櫃特賣 before. Speeds up to 5Gb/s allow you to transfer a 700MB video file in just under 7 seconds. Back up your photos, exchange audio and video files with your friends, or make sure that your important files are kept safe. With the P'9233, the possibilities are endless.
LaCie Porsche Design Desktop Drive P'9233
Porsche Design Form, LaCie Function
LaCie worked with Porsche in 2003 and it resulted in one of the most popular hard drives that's still talked about today. With the P'9233, the exclusive and timeless shape returns, with solid, reliable hardware that's sure to last for years. You can use it anywhere and be confident that you're getting superb performance.
Safe, Strong, and Aluminum
With 5mm of solid aluminum casing surrounding the disk inside, the P'9233 keeps your data solidly protected. LaCie and Porsche Design worked together to combine form and function-resulting in a drive that looks great no matter where you take it.
Designed for Your Mac
The P'9233 was designed especially for Mac computers, and features a stylish, sophisticated aluminum finish that matches your new Mac. Plus, it's Time Machine compatible so that you can seamlessly back up to the drive using Mac's built-in software.
System這裡最便宜 Requirements
Computer with a USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 port
Latest version of: Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6,非逛不可>經典 10.7 / Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Minimum free disk space: 600MB recommended
High-speed internet for online storage
What's in the Box
LaCie Porsche Design P’9233 Desktop Drive, USB 3.0 cable (USB 2.0 compatible), external power supply, quick install guide, and complete software suite: LaCie Private-Public, Backup Assistant, Eco Mode, Wuala.
*Calculations are based on approximately 8GB HD video, 700MB video, 3.6MB music file and 3MB JPEG photo. These values may vary depending on your configuration.
** For optimal performance, the drive must be connected to a USB 3.0 host port. Calculations are based on average write time. Transfer rates vary slightly from one drive to another.
^ Up to 77% energy savings with automatic standby (11.3W vs. 2.6W). May vary from one drive to another.
Product Description
With the P'9233's USB 3.0 interface, you'll be able to get the job done faster than ever before. Speeds up to 5Gb/s allow you to transfer a 700MB video file in just under 7 seconds. Back up your photos, exchange audio and video files with your friends, 暢銷or make sure that your important files are kept safe. With the P'9233, the possibilities are endless.
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本季頂替歐布萊恩(Patrick O'Bryant)緊急來台救火的BD展現出和過往不同的面貌,不僅球技更加全面成熟,過往令人詬病的火爆脾氣也收斂許多,拚戰鬥志更是受到台啤總教練閻家驊肯定。
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